I am
currently doing my Ph.D. at the
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, in Electrotechnical and Computers
Engineering. I do my research work at INESC TEC in the Visual
Computing and Machine Intelligence Group.
My research topic is the application of Computer Vision and
Machine Learning techniques to Breast Cancer Diagnosis in
Mammography. The ultimate goal is to contribute to attenuate
the burden of this disease by developing accurate CAD systems
usable in screening.
I also collaborate in other activities related to the field of Computer Vision,
such as the VISUM Summer School (2018, 2019 and 2020) and the vCardID project
for the development of a national fingerprint identification algorithm.
Soft Rotation Equivariant Convolutional Neural Networks (IJCNN 2020)
Weight Rotation as a Regularization Strategy in Convolutional Neural Networks (EMBC 2019)
Elastic deformations for data augmentation in breast cancer mass detection (BHI 2018)
Deep Keypoint Detection for the Aesthetic Evaluation of Breast Cancer Surgery Outcomes (ISBI 2019)
Classification of breast cancer histology images using Convolutional Neural Networks (PLOS ONE (2017))